Just Not The Same…

Friends are great. They give us a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and a safe place to land. In today’s hectic society it is hard to carve out time for our friends, but technology can help in ways we never imagined. We can call, text, IM, live stream, e-mail, and Facebook. We never have to be totally without the influence and support of our friends even if we live far away from them…but it’s just not the same as being with our friends.

When we get together with our friends, there is a depth to our communications that can only happen when we look into their eyes, and spend time with them. There is no comparison to all the electronic communications, because they are mere shadows of what it is really like to spend time with our friends.

This week I got to spend time with a dear friend who I only get to see maybe once a year. It was such a blessing to spend time with her, and her daughters and her niece. It was fun catching up, and sharing from the heart. There is only so much you can do in a e-mail.

This visit got me to thinking about our relationship with God. We have a relationship with him through reading His word, and spending time with Him in prayer, but it will not be anywhere near as wonderful as they day when we finally get to meet Him. Of course He is so much more than just a friend. He is the most Holy God Almighty, and we will be face-down worshiping Him along with all the angels. What a magnificent time that will be..no more being separated from Him!

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