Prayers For Healing…

Today I am asking for prayers for my health, as I came down with another sore throat and it is a wicked one…again. I think I have been sick since some time in March off and on, and I am getting really tired of it. For those of you who don’t know me, I work in a coffee shop, and I have to talk in order to work. A sore throat makes it extremely difficult to do my job. All I wanted to do today was curl up on the couch with my kitty, take some Neo Citron and knock myself out.

On top of that, when I got home Mike wasn’t able to make it to the AA meeting tonight, as they moved it to a town down the road. That’s three weeks he has missed. That concerns me a bit, but I am leaving that in God’s hands. I don’t have the energy to worry about that, and God knows that is a good thing.

I need to go relax for a while, as my medicine is kicking in, and it is making me groggy. At least it is numbing the pain in my throat. Praying that tomorrow is a better day.

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